March 9, 2025



The Benefits of Using Social Media In Your Church

This shouldn’t be surprising. Social media has who is jesus the way we communicate online and even brought people online just for the purpose of communicating.

We all know that one of social media’s great strengths is in building connections between people. But it isn’t limited to just between friends or family members.

SM, when used by a church (or more precisely, between someone representing the church) can build connections between the church and individuals, who can be part of the church or outside the church (the people the church is trying to reach).

When the church provides a place to nurture connections, such as on a church’s Facebook page, relationships between individuals (not even involving the church) can grow.

In both cases, new or strengthened relationships increase the sense of belonging or can instill in some people a desire to belong. Through social media, having this sense of belonging in the virtual world can often translate into greater involvement within the church.

More efficient communication with your church’s members
With social media, quick-almost real time communication-becomes possible. Interactions that used to require effort can now happen almost effortlessly. Questions can be answered online or even in online chats with social media. Plus, the improved communication is two-way communication. It’s not only easier for people to contact the church, but it’s easier for the church to contact its members, too.

Increased publicity for activities and events
Social media can greatly expand the base of people that know about your events and activities. And, it’s a well known fact that increased publicity contributes to increased attendance, involvement and participation.

Show your church’s best qualities to your community
Why hide your light under a bushel?; Use sm to showcase your church to the outside world. Discuss the exciting things you have going on, both big and small.

Let your community see there is more to your church than just a building.

Let your community know you exist and what your church believes
When people walk or drive by your church they may not know what the people inside believe, assuming they even noticed the church exists. Use social media to capture their attention and drawn them in. Provide a physical address with your web site or social profiles. Use sm to share information about your church and its beliefs that may resonate with connections and your connections’ connections that can be built upon later.

Reach the hard-to reach
Social media is a great way to reach new people. Younger generations are a perfect example of a very-reachable group. In today’s world, they are typically quite hard to reach. It’s almost as if they’re speaking a different language most of the time! But social tools usage rates are extremely high with youth.