October 22, 2024



Remove Your Filters To Witness Miracles

acim happen when we remove our filters to seeing the profound perfection of the universe. This shedding of old ways of viewing life can happen suddenly as in a near death experience or kundalini awakening, or the veils can be lifted gradually over time as the individual embodies more of their soul’s wisdom. Miracles were once thought to be the domain of holy people or saints, now each of us in our everyday lives can witness and manifest miracles. This happens when we tune in to subtle energies like harmony, love and synchronicity. These frequencies usher miracles into our lives, homes and hearts. When we are expressing ourselves in accordance with our soul’s purpose, we become conduits for miracles to occur simply because we are aligned with them. We move out of lack, limitation and struggle and instead are rewarded with having lives that are guided, blessed and serene.

How does one transition from seeing life through the filters of the past, where loss, pain and disappointment dwell and instead live in the precious present moment where miracles reside? The first step is to truly desire to be free. The path of the spiritual warrior is marked by a willingness to seek the light no matter what life brings. There must be a commitment to cultivate acceptance, faith and hope. These qualities are then coupled with courage, honesty and compassion to give one the fortitude to stay the course even when the going gets rough, for life is sure to bring some obstacles upon our paths. Next we cultivate gratitude. By counting our blessings and seeing the beauty around us we reenter the present moment, leaving our woes behind. Practicing positivity in the midst of troubles can strengthen us to believe that there is a divine order that is working out, even if we can’t presently perceive it. We learn to let go and trust. Sometimes that is the greatest miracle there is.

Next we learn to accept that we are not victims of life but rather co-creators with life. We must become willing to honestly look at our weakest aspects and take responsibility for our part in our circumstances instead of blaming them on the universe. I remember when I changed my prayers from “help me please to have what I want” to “Help me to see my life’s circumstances through my soul’s wisdom.” This simple lifting of the veil of my old thinking from self -centered “poor me” to instead saying “I am a blessed unique part of a greater good that is unfolding exactly as it should and I am grateful” has changed my whole life.

Sometimes in life we lose faith in a divine source and struggle like a hiker in quicksand fighting to get out yet going ever deeper into the darkness of despair. This fighting can happen with fears related to health, finances, relationship, work and disillusionment on our spiritual path. We forget we want to be free, peaceful and happy and instead try to defend our perceived limitations, lack and struggles, holding those filters in place.

When we are finally ready to choose freedom, we accept life as it is in this very moment, we open the door to miracles coming into our lives. We re- align ourselves with our souls, which dwell in eternity, limitlessness and peaceful and we know in our hearts that we are guided, blessed and part of the profound perfection of life.

Liah Howard is a professional psychic/ channel, teacher of psychic development, radio show host, and writer.

Her psychic channeled readings illuminate and inspire. Her sessions address personal, professional, relationship, and spiritual issues. Liah appears as a featured guest on radio and television, writes for Maui Vision Magazine and The Center for World Networking magazine, and has an international clientele.