October 22, 2024



Miracles Are the Natural Order of Things

Do you remember being young and acim book at the fact that birds can fly or clouds hang suspended in mid air? You were appreciative of the lush greenness of the grass and the trees and the glow of fireflies on a summer’s night.

Remember how, now matter how quickly you tried, you could never catch the light in the refrigerator go off or come on and how excited you were when you saw 6 inches of snow cover the ground? You watched in amazement as the scrapes on your knees healed themselves and, though you didn’t see it, you managed to grow another inch before school started.

Life is and always has been full of miracles. Unfortunately, as we grow older, we become habituated to the very things that captivated us as children. Our sophisticated technological world has managed to explain how these miracles occur but does that make them any less miraculous? Does understanding the biological process that allows the firefly to glow make it any less amazing that it simply has the ability to? Does knowing the aerodynamics of bird flight lessen the fact that the bird is capable of flying without understanding these principles?

Miracles happen all the time; all around us. They are the very nature of the world. In fact, I’d say that something has gone wrong if miracles don’t happen…if the grass stopped growing and the birds forgot how to fly. If the body stopped healing or the fireflies didn’t glow or the clouds stopped forming or the snow stopped falling.

If miracles are the nature of things, why do humans want to assume that the miracles stop with us? Why is it such a stretch to think that miracles can happen for you? Maybe we’ve become so preoccupied with trying to understand the process behind the miracles and trying to replicate them in a lab that we don’t even see them when they occur.

Ever been in the right place at the right time and had something really great unexpectedly happen? What about the last time you fell in love or just happened to meet someone that turned out to make a great impact in your life? Have you ever wanted something that was hard to find and you just happened to stumble across it in a place you never would’ve expected to find it? Aren’t these things miracles in their own right?

Miracles do happen in our lives all the time. We just need to open ourselves to them, recognize them as such and be thankful for them and the next thing we know life will take on a whole new light.

Jason Hundley is an avid student of metaphysics. He has studied various metaphysical sources such as The Science of Mind, Conversations with God, many of Wayne Dyer’s books and much of the Abraham-Hicks material. As a personal development coach, he helps individuals shed limiting beliefs about themselves and life in general in order to live a more fulfilling life.