In his notable book, Law of Attraction, author Michael Losier makes a significant point that in order to manifest into our lives the people, circumstances, and things we want, we must allow them into our lives. I have met Mr. Losier, listened to him speak several times, and read his book often and he and I agree that “allowing” acim facebook is definitely the hardest part of the attraction regimen. The difficulty is that we think we don’t know HOW to allow or that we’re already doing everything we can to let the miracles in.
When we want to learn to do something, it is best to ask one who does that thing well to teach us. In our process of learning, that professional will watch us, note what could be done differently to improve our performance, and coach us as to what to change to improve the outcome. If we want to learn to live abundantly, manifest what we want, and allow miracles, what is it that our professional would observe in our daily actions that we might be coached to change? What would he tell us to do differently to improve our ability to allow the law of attraction to work in our favor?
He would remind us that the biggest eliminators of miracles are distractions. Distractions generally result in us leaving vital activities undone in order to accomplish less important tasks. Succumbing to distraction has been referred to as “being caught up in the thick of thin things.” You’ve had colleagues tell you that they didn’t get anything done because they spent the whole day “putting out fires.” In other words, they put all of their energy and attention into activities other that those that would contribute to the accomplishment of what is most important to them.
In assisting us to make adjustments toward success, our professional might ask, “What is the word you most often hear linked to distraction?” You guessed it. It’s the word “allow” as in, “She allowed herself to be distracted.” Do you see what our coach is saying here? We can either choose to allow distractions into our every day experience or we can choose to allow miracles into our daily lives. There is a choice to be made between allowing distractions or allowing miracles to dominate our time and attention? It is a choice, OUR choice, and we must choose between these mutually exclusive actions.
Our professional who is teaching us to live abundantly and to allow what we want into our lives would watch us for a day, carefully note how many times we diverge from what we claim we want to accomplish, and then he would coach us in a way that will help us see that a tweak or two will dramatically change our results as we choose to limit distractions. He’ll assist us to realize that we’ve known all along how to allow. It’s a matter of choosing what we allow into our lives.
We must never mistake activity for productivity and we cannot afford for distractions to derail us from taking the actions that will further our goals. We have the ability to consciously make room for wonderful opportunities, people, and circumstances to manifest in our daily experience by choosing to ignore the distractions of urgent matters and focus on the vital activities that will allow these miracles.
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