That was the title of an article I read the other day. We were wonder stix edibles one of my favorite restaurants – a favorite because they serve a delicious bison burger, a great salad and fresh veggies for the kids, all in a very cool atmosphere – and I picked up a health magazine on my way out the door. Just wanted something to peruse on our drive home.
It was filled with the usual and expected substance-free articles… too challenging for a writer to say much of anything with a 300 word limit!
Anyhow, one article caught my eye and kept my attention. Actually, I was suspended in disbelief! Maybe it was shock, who knows! The article was featured in the Parenting section of the magazine and was titled, “How to keep prescription drugs away from your kids.”
Of course, my knee-jerk reaction was, “Don’t take prescription drugs and don’t give any to your kids… simple.” I decided to delay my tendency to over-simplify issues pertaining to rampant drug use in our society, and read the article in its entirety.
That’s when the disbelief and shock came in!
Now, once again, I assure you that I do NOT live in a very dark closet. I understand that people take prescription drugs for all sorts of reasons. We make the best decisions we can based our belief systems and the information we have available to us at the time. I get it.
I also understand that kids getting into their parents’ prescription drugs for recreational purposes has become an enormous problem. That was the basis of this article.
What caused the shock and disbelief was the level of desensitization that has taken place in our society as a whole regarding the rampant over-use of, and dependence upon, prescription drugs. Drugs are a “normal” part of our existence in North America. Strange times.
This article began with the assumption that the average American home contains multiple prescription drugs. I’m sad already. Then, the statement that, although prescription drugs such as sedatives, pain killers, stimulants and allergy medications do have some benefits (I’ll let that one slide), when they are taken by “anyone other than for whom the drugs were prescribed” they can be DEADLY!
Immediately, I’m thinking, “How does the drug know WHO was supposed to take it?” and, “Why is deadly for the non-prescription recipient, but not the prescription recipient? What makes it OK for that person to take it??”
Don’t even TRY to convince me that drug trials prove a drug’s safety for its specified purposes. Drug testing and safety has become such a joke. Follow the money trail. Drugs are pushed onto the market WAY before they’re thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy. PLUS, it is extremely common to prescribe drugs for conditions or age groups the drug was not even tested for! (case in point – Ritalin)
For a moment, let’s just pretend that drug testing is perfect. Don’t you still wonder… how can this drug be “OK” for me, but deadly for my spouse??? Our genetic make up is not THAT different!
Anyhow, the article gave some expected tips, like throwing out expired drugs, locking up your drugs, keeping the lines of communication open with your kids, know who they’re hanging out with and so on.
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