Whether or not you are a goodgamestation fan, you cannot escape the notice of the World Cup and its influence in our country this year. As our expectation increases for the England Team, you may have been lucky enough to work in an office where the Managers have wheeled in a mobile television on castors for the staff to view the big matches.
As the World cup reaches fever pitch, even the most die-hard of bosses have sought to give their staff the opportunity to watch football on the big mobile screens standing upon castors. During the 2006 FIFA World Cup, viewing figures of this last World Cup final held, had a television audience of 26.29 billion; according to the official website of Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).The 2010 World Cup expects the viewing figures to be even higher!
With so many viewers all over the world, mobile television stands on castors have seen a dramatic increase in sales. At the foot of these mobile television stands small castors enable the stands to be manoeuvred around offices, homes, festivals, parks and places of work. The castors used in these mobile television stands vary depending upon the site. In offices and places of work, for example, the small twin wheel castors, which so often used in office furniture, are the most suitable. For larger screens and larger venues, heavy duty castors are specified. These heavy duty castors provide more strength and durability and can take more weight.
Castors have become the preferred choice as they offer manufacturers such flexibility. Not only flexibility in the size of the wheel mounted in the castors frame, but also in terms of the type of wheel in the castors. With technological developments wheels and castors ranges have exploded. Many manufacturers can now offer a huge range to suit many individual, often specific requirements.
Weather its discreet castors such as twin wheel castors or industrial castors like the heavy duty castors ranges that are required, the variety of wheel choices can suit most specifications. Wheels for castors can simply be black nylon or polypropylene, or a range of rubber wheels may be more suitable. For added strength castors with either polyurethane or nylon wheels are available. For rugged outdoor environments, castors with pneumatic rubber wheels may be the preferred choice.
Attaching castors to mobile television stands has not only brought The World Cup into so many more lives, it has also opened up an opportunity for many manufacturers and designers to develop the idea of mobile units. For example at many festivals and exhibitions this year we have seen the presence of mobile gaming stations alongside the mobile televisions and screens on castors. Mobile gaming stations, again utilize the benefits of attaching wheels and castors to their frames to enable maximum manoeuvrability.
It seems in this technological age you really can watch television, films, access the internet and play games almost anywhere. Even in a muddy field! This design and developmental use of castors has ensured castors stay ahead of the game!
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